
From a logical standpoint, I think corporate jobs are usually better than mom & pops.

owning your own business does not count for this discussion as doing (mostly) whatever you want is usually best. I think I have had much better outcomes the times I have had corporate gigs rather than jobs at small businesses. In my experience, small businesses pay a lot less, no benefits, less vacation, and you usually have to kiss ass to get a small raise. Hell, my last job paid about $13.00/ hr.(with a monthly commission ceiling, about $10/ hr. without), so even a whopping $8/ hr. raise or so would still be less than you could get at a WFH without all the ass kissing and not guaranteed outcome. Vacation was also one week. No room for promotion as the people who are at small businesses usually stay there for years if they do not get fired; bossman isn't gonna “make” a new position for you to pay you…

  • owning your own business does not count for this discussion as doing (mostly) whatever you want is usually best.

I think I have had much better outcomes the times I have had corporate gigs rather than jobs at small businesses. In my experience, small businesses pay a lot less, no benefits, less vacation, and you usually have to kiss ass to get a small raise. Hell, my last job paid about $13.00/ hr.(with a monthly commission ceiling, about $10/ hr. without), so even a whopping $8/ hr. raise or so would still be less than you could get at a WFH without all the ass kissing and not guaranteed outcome. Vacation was also one week. No room for promotion as the people who are at small businesses usually stay there for years if they do not get fired; bossman isn't gonna “make” a new position for you to pay you more. My very first job at a warehouse was also like this. They kinda just want you “there” forever. To contrast, the times I have had corporate gigs usually end up being the opposite of that. Insurance, more PTO, better pay, etc. I realize small businesses obviously have less money to throw around for employees, but geez man. Makes me wonder why some people stay there for literal years.

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