
Accidentally caused a work dispute, help

Been working as a waitress for a month now and a few days ago our manager sends us a message saying from now on whenever we clock in he will correct the starting time to for example 9 am instead of 8:45 am like the shift is originally scheduled for. I was not happy with this because we have coworkers that came in 20 – 30 minutes earlier. They were not asked to come but we are often busy so extra help is not bad. I too have came in 10-15 mins earlier every day. I asked the older coworker to take it up with the manager and they concluded its not up to them but the company that hired us. Like a third party. I obviously called the third party company and asked if this is really true because in my first paycheck the earlier clock ins were accounted…

Been working as a waitress for a month now and a few days ago our manager sends us a message saying from now on whenever we clock in he will correct the starting time to for example 9 am instead of 8:45 am like the shift is originally scheduled for.

I was not happy with this because we have coworkers that came in 20 – 30 minutes earlier. They were not asked to come but we are often busy so extra help is not bad. I too have came in 10-15 mins earlier every day.

I asked the older coworker to take it up with the manager and they concluded its not up to them but the company that hired us. Like a third party. I obviously called the third party company and asked if this is really true because in my first paycheck the earlier clock ins were accounted and paid for.

I also called my parents and they literally just got angry with me im causing drama and saying i shouldnt get involved and that its normal. I think its wage theft and im not getting paid that well to be not paid for my extra work.

I didnt know that this was some normal occurance. The third party didnt inform us about this and their rules simply state “once you clock in and youre at your station your shift and pay starts”

The manager today sent a long text message to the work groupchat and seemed annoyed and said this is done in every job but “he understands and thinks we can ask for compensation from the third party if this came as a surprise for some of you” but that their company will not be paying for it.

Im autistic, on the mild end of the spectrum and didnt know about this. At my last job i was paid for my entire clockin shift. I feel really anxious now and ended up causing a dispute but i think im still getting fucked over by not being told i wont be getting paid for earlier work up until now.

The rules in general arent clear and we often also have to stay longer for work. And ive also overstayed my shift MULTIPLE times. Now i dont even know if i can get paid for that either. And im too scared to ask. Help

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