
I quit my job last year and it was the best decision I’ve ever made

So this is a long story, but it’s a good one. Last year I walked out on my job and now I work for the railroad making way more money. A little backstory Back in January 2019 I was injured at work and lost my position cause I was out for so long. December rolls around and I’m about to be off injury leave. My wife was working for a major beer distributor at the time and told me her boss would give me a job despite my recent shoulder surgery and year long period of not working. I took it immediately cause it would be hard to find a job after something like that So I started out as a merchandiser. Bottom of the totem pole, just driving to stores and stocking the beer shelves. It took me awhile to get used to it but I got pretty fast…

So this is a long story, but it’s a good one. Last year I walked out on my job and now I work for the railroad making way more money.

A little backstory

Back in January 2019 I was injured at work and lost my position cause I was out for so long. December rolls around and I’m about to be off injury leave. My wife was working for a major beer distributor at the time and told me her boss would give me a job despite my recent shoulder surgery and year long period of not working. I took it immediately cause it would be hard to find a job after something like that

So I started out as a merchandiser. Bottom of the totem pole, just driving to stores and stocking the beer shelves. It took me awhile to get used to it but I got pretty fast at it real soon. So a few months in and my boss tells me about a weekend gig where I run hotshots (basically an “emergency” order) to bars and restaurants. I thought why not, I get to drive a company vehicle and pretty much take it easy on Saturday. I got a little overtime pay, but that was it. I didn’t get any sort of pay bump for taking on this extra position. Red flag No. 1

Fast forward and I’ve been doing this for about 8-9 months now. I’m the bosses best merchandiser. I can go to any store and get it done faster than anyone else on our team. He starts taking advantage of this though. After a while I start getting burnt out. Then a position opens up in the office. I apply and get it right away cause beer sales manager loves me by this point cause of how well I do in the stores. Current boss doesn’t like that and get pretty upset that I’m leaving his team. Makes me feel bad about it. I compromise and tell him I will work with his guys on big days for the extra help. Bad idea on my part

So now I’m a Point Of Sale Coordinator. I mange all the display items going to bars, restaurants, and grocery stores. But, once again, no pay increase. I’m not in charge of the whole thing but it’s still a big position to be in with this company. Displays make sales in this industry. I worked that position for a few months then my supervisor quit. Now I’m running the whole thing. Again, no pay increase.

After some time I talk to my boss and he tells me the supervisor position is open for me to apply so it’s in writing. Cool, easy cut and dry situation. Well, not so much. Turns out, the GM of our company doesn’t like me. Not sure why, I’ve only met the guy maybe three times since I’ve been with the company. My boss opens the position, has me apply, and closes it. The GM goes behind everyone’s back and REOPENS THE POSITION TO THE WHOLE COMPANY. He wanted to make sure I didn’t get it. And it worked. He gave the position to someone else, who I end up training cause I’m the only one who knows how to run that job. Yeah, I’m training my supervisor.

After she feels pretty comfortable about the job the merchandising manager starts taking me to help out even more. I’m slowly getting forced out of my position and getting demoted back to a bottom of the totem pole position. After maybe two months I’m not in the office at all. Then I get a lead for a job at the railroad. Go through the interview and get hired. About a month of pre employment stuff to get through. They ask when I can start. I tell them give two weeks.

Now I had planned on give my job two weeks notice. Then the merchandising manage screws me over. I got to a store to help someone and he says hey did **** tell you about the store you have to do after you help me? Nope. Turns out after I help this guy, which I was with him for almost 9 hours, I have to go stock 400 cases of wine by myself. That’s a 4-5 hour job at the store they wanted done, even for a fast worker like me. Nope. I took my work phone, my badge, and my keycard up to the office. Gave them to the IT guy, and walked out. I got in my truck and sent an email to HR that said “as of today I am not longer an employee. I quit” and clocked out for the last time. I sure enjoyed my time off before starting my new job. I also managed to burn up all of my sick time and PTO before I quit. I was screwed over so many times at that company. Now I’m making $10 an hour more and will have a real good retirement after 30 years

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