
My employer forces me to work in undesirable conditions

(Long post, I’m sorry) My employer forces me to work in conditions that I did not agree with upon hiring. I’m a social worker of sorts. They force me to do unpaid work from home, work in excessive heat without air conditioning and do not have any breaks (work 7 hours a day, but I live in Michigan so it is not mandated). I have to lead groups of up to six individuals who cannot be left out of my sight. Each of these individuals have between 1-3 pages of paperwork. My employer expects me to be able to focus on my clients and complete up to 13 pages of paperwork. Usually with the activities I take my clients to do, it is extremely difficult to complete the paperwork while simultaneously focusing on what they’re doing. When I try to complete my paperwork during my shift, my employer accuses me…

(Long post, I’m sorry) My employer forces me to work in conditions that I did not agree with upon hiring. I’m a social worker of sorts. They force me to do unpaid work from home, work in excessive heat without air conditioning and do not have any breaks (work 7 hours a day, but I live in Michigan so it is not mandated).

I have to lead groups of up to six individuals who cannot be left out of my sight. Each of these individuals have between 1-3 pages of paperwork. My employer expects me to be able to focus on my clients and complete up to 13 pages of paperwork. Usually with the activities I take my clients to do, it is extremely difficult to complete the paperwork while simultaneously focusing on what they’re doing. When I try to complete my paperwork during my shift, my employer accuses me of not paying engaging enough with my clients and forces me to do the paperwork from home. They have told me that as soon as I return to the office after work, I am required to clock out and am not allowed to be on the clock while catching up with my paperwork. I usually have to do an additional 2 or more hours of work unpaid daily.

With my work, I have to transport my clients with a company issued van. They have four vans available and two of us who run groups. My assigned van recently had its “check engine” light come on, so they had me take a different van. As soon as I tried to take the other van, every single brake warning light came on. They only had one other van available. This last van does not have air conditioning. Yesterday, temperatures were above 90 degrees Fahrenheit and it was extremely difficult to drive. I have clients who are overweight and/or have heat sensitivities. I have expressed my concerns to the director of our building, but she stated that air conditioning is a luxury, not a right. It just seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen. I’ve only taken this van out twice, but they haven’t taken either of the other vans in to be serviced and refuse to communicate when they will be taken in. Temperatures are going to be 80+ next week and I’m concerned for the safety of my clients. I’ve been having my clients roll their windows down and remove their face masks to prevent heat stress, but it isn’t a comfortable solution for all of my clients.

As far as the no breaks goes, I feel extremely mentally drained after each shift. My clients are very demanding of my attention and I just wish I could take even 5 minutes just to step away and recuperate but it is not allowed as they have to be supervised at all times. My employer wanted me to work 12 hour shifts without any breaks. When I complained about the lacking of any breaks after they proposed this, the HR manager asked me if I take my clients out for lunch. Of course I take my clients out for lunch. She stated that taking them out to lunch is my “break”. During this “break” I am still working with my clients and giving them my undivided attention. They only decided not to have me work 12 hours because I threatened to quit if they did. I have a four year old son at home, so if they had me work 12 hours, then another 2+ hours unpaid from home, I would only have less than half an hour of family time.

My company does not have a union and I really want another job. I have no idea what my options are. I always have a hard time finding employment when I am desperate for a new job. I’ve only been with this company for 5 months and I really want out.

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