
Workers should not have to piss in a bottle to satisfy metrics

I read this article, and the focus is on how horrible this strike would be for businesses. I didn't see any concern for the workers and the slave-like (not to compare to chattle slavery) working conditions. I can tell you that newbies working for YouPeeS (not sure if I can write the company) would be shocked to see water bottles with a yellowish substance in them…yeah, better not touch those. These are what some truck drivers have had to use for fear of taking a restroom break due to unrealistics demands set by corporate. I can also tell you that you would be shocked to hesr someone from HR tell you not to be surprised that you may not get a lunch break du4ing 4th quarter and that this is federally legal. My concern/support is for the workers all the way.

I read this article, and the focus is on how horrible this strike would be for businesses. I didn't see any concern for the workers and the slave-like (not to compare to chattle slavery) working conditions. I can tell you that newbies working for YouPeeS (not sure if I can write the company) would be shocked to see water bottles with a yellowish substance in them…yeah, better not touch those. These are what some truck drivers have had to use for fear of taking a restroom break due to unrealistics demands set by corporate. I can also tell you that you would be shocked to hesr someone from HR tell you not to be surprised that you may not get a lunch break du4ing 4th quarter and that this is federally legal. My concern/support is for the workers all the way.

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