
I pissed off the CEO of the plantation where I work

Ok let's start from the beginning A few months ago I was on duty with the manager of the branch where I worked and I started to talk to him a bit about labor rights and he spit out a lot of classified information about the illegalities of the company, such as that the managers could bribe health so that they do not close them down, that they do polygraph tests to see which managers they can trust secrets, and the fact that they have so much influence in the region that they have never lost a job suit. Something like a week ago, an Instagram account that is dedicated to exposing bad practices of places that provide customer service said that it would accept testimonials from various places, including the one where I live, so I took the opportunity to publish that information and among other more obvious things,…

Ok let's start from the beginning

A few months ago I was on duty with the manager of the branch where I worked and I started to talk to him a bit about labor rights and he spit out a lot of classified information about the illegalities of the company, such as that the managers could bribe health so that they do not close them down, that they do polygraph tests to see which managers they can trust secrets, and the fact that they have so much influence in the region that they have never lost a job suit.

Something like a week ago, an Instagram account that is dedicated to exposing bad practices of places that provide customer service said that it would accept testimonials from various places, including the one where I live, so I took the opportunity to publish that information and among other more obvious things, but just as illegal, and a couple of days I told a couple of colleagues that “someone” had exposed the company we work for, and some took it badly and others said they deserved it

Yesterday I met that same manager leaving work and he asked me if I had exposed the company, to which I said no, and he told me that on Wednesday someone from human resources came by to give uniforms, and this person told my previous manager and another that the CEO was pretty mad about that post and that he was thinking of getting someone to investigate, paying the account to rat me out or even hiring a hacker, and he also told me that if they found the person responsible they would sue him for defamation, but very few people told this, so if I make this last part public, they would find me and I would expose my former manager, and I want to continue fighting against them but if they get like this With an internet post I don't want to imagine what would happen if we organized ourselves as workers, and I'm also a little nervous about being found outAlthough I doubt they will at the moment, but I'm not going to lie, the fact that I made the bourgeois who exploits me so angry drew a smile on my face.

Well, this situation is not conventional at all, so I don't expect any advice, but if you have any I would appreciate it, mainly I wanted to make this situation known so that you can see how fierce it can be the bourgeoisie.

Thanks for your time and attention.

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