
Would this be enough to sue or should I not even think about it?

I was thinking about suing the workplace I was terminated from for a while, and really started thinking about it when my grandpa said “sue them for discrimination, works every time!” I don’t think it’s that easy though. My coworker sexually harassed me and would say the n word with the hard r around the workplace even though we had people of color working with us and he has made fun my eyes because I have epicanthic folds, saying I look Asian and not Mexican. I have the text where I told my boss about the sexual harassment and the slur and my boss talked to me about it the next day, but still did not fire the guy or punish him. All he did was talk to him because he’s so desperate for workers. This place had me working an illegal amount of hours when I was 17. I…

I was thinking about suing the workplace I was terminated from for a while, and really started thinking about it when my grandpa said “sue them for discrimination, works every time!” I don’t think it’s that easy though.

My coworker sexually harassed me and would say the n word with the hard r around the workplace even though we had people of color working with us and he has made fun my eyes because I have epicanthic folds, saying I look Asian and not Mexican. I have the text where I told my boss about the sexual harassment and the slur and my boss talked to me about it the next day, but still did not fire the guy or punish him. All he did was talk to him because he’s so desperate for workers.

This place had me working an illegal amount of hours when I was 17. I wasn’t supposed to work past 10pm in my state due to the school laws and my manager had me working til 11:30pm and tried to get me to work longer. I had gotten kicked out my house one night (long story) and barely had gotten any sleep, as I had to try to sleep at a gas station and work. Since it was winter no other coworkers were able to start their cars to go to shift so it was just me and one guy one night. Instead of listening to our request to close the restaurant early, he goes “Aw, I’m sorry that happened. Can you work til 10pm?” !?

Sorry if this is dumb. If none of this is rlly worth suing for or anything I’ll just call it a rant

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