
Superintendent accusing me of inappropriate actions bc of excessive sweat

So near the end of my last day of my last work rotation (3 on 3 off 12hr) I was cleaning for about 5 hours and decided I wanted to take my last break at 4:45 which is never an issue. I took my break in the quality lab bc it is air conditioned and my friend works in quality. I have taken several breaks in there over the past 3 years. As well the break room is filled with the next shift so couldn't really go in there. The break room is the only other room with a/c we have access to. Now I am a heavier set man, around 285 and I am know to sweat like crazy, especially when cleaning for some reason. So when I go into the lab for the last 15 of my shift as well as my last break I am drenched in…

So near the end of my last day of my last work rotation (3 on 3 off 12hr) I was cleaning for about 5 hours and decided I wanted to take my last break at 4:45 which is never an issue. I took my break in the quality lab bc it is air conditioned and my friend works in quality. I have taken several breaks in there over the past 3 years. As well the break room is filled with the next shift so couldn't really go in there. The break room is the only other room with a/c we have access to.

Now I am a heavier set man, around 285 and I am know to sweat like crazy, especially when cleaning for some reason. So when I go into the lab for the last 15 of my shift as well as my last break I am drenched in sweat. Even more so that was my second shirt of the day bc it was so hot and humid that day. So the superintendent sees me in the lab drenched in sweat through the cameras, as I sit in front of the cameras on purpose so they know I am not hiding or anything.

Today is my first day back, the first thing my supervisor tells me is I am not allowed to take breaks in the lab anymore. I asked why and was told the SI seen I was drenched in sweat and just assumed I was doing something inappropriate before I came in….I was cleaning and working my ass off! I am very irritated and offended to be honest by this whole thing. I will be talking to HR about filing harassment against him but I am afraid once I do that I will lose my job fairly quickly. I have been at this company for 5 and a half years and never once felt like this. The superintendent has been here maybe 2 years now and has only made things worse and a lot more stressful. Any advice would be appreciated. Idk if I should pursue this or just deal with it as I normally would and try to ignore it. Thanks for your time.

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