
Thoughts? Should I quit? Help.

I have had this upcoming Friday requested off since January. Since our July schedule has been out, I have had this Friday shown as off. Last week, my manager switched my off days this week without notifying me or talking to me about it, although it has been a request off for 6 months as well as WAS shown as me being off when the schedule was out. Please note, everyone in my workplace works this Friday, so there is no reason why me being off should be an issue. This is not the only time she has given me the green light on being off a certain date, so I plan my life accordingly, then randomly tells me I can’t with no true or given explanation as to why. She told me if schedule changes are not respected, that it will have to turn into a documented coaching lesson.…

I have had this upcoming Friday requested off since January. Since our July schedule has been out, I have had this Friday shown as off. Last week, my manager switched my off days this week without notifying me or talking to me about it, although it has been a request off for 6 months as well as WAS shown as me being off when the schedule was out.

Please note, everyone in my workplace works this Friday, so there is no reason why me being off should be an issue. This is not the only time she has given me the green light on being off a certain date, so I plan my life accordingly, then randomly tells me I can’t with no true or given explanation as to why. She told me if schedule changes are not respected, that it will have to turn into a documented coaching lesson. BTW my company PRIDES itself on work/life balance, but I don’t think telling someone they are good to be off then take it back last second without communication is very “work life balance”.

Am I being to dramatic? I’ve never had a job make days off for appointments/vacation be an issue given I give months in advance of a notice.

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