
hour cuts, hour cuts..

First i start at 39 hours, great, kinda happy where I am, company gives great benefits. 12.75 starting, not the best but i have room to grow. A month in, my hours drop to 34. We recently hired a lot of people, makes sense, not worried. Next week? 24 hours. Apparently my hours are cut due to a payroll cut of 18k. The cut being due to our store not making the monthly sales plan. To put the cherry on top, we’re having a national commercial filmed at our store soon. How ironic. How do they expect me to live if they keep cutting my hours? Total ignorance.

First i start at 39 hours, great, kinda happy where I am, company gives great benefits. 12.75 starting, not the best but i have room to grow. A month in, my hours drop to 34. We recently hired a lot of people, makes sense, not worried. Next week? 24 hours. Apparently my hours are cut due to a payroll cut of 18k. The cut being due to our store not making the monthly sales plan. To put the cherry on top, we’re having a national commercial filmed at our store soon. How ironic. How do they expect me to live if they keep cutting my hours? Total ignorance.

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