
Talk radio (uk) questioning sickness

Made the mistake of listening to this station as I ran some errands on my lunch. First bit was bad enough (some twat asking why the illegal boat immigrants aren’t destitute but in taxpayer funded hotels) but the second bit was shocking. The presenter is a white male about 60. He started preaching that his dad only ever had one day off while he lived at home and that was for a funeral. He said this was because he couldn’t afford to because he was a self employed painter but also because of how work ethic was different back then and it set you up with an identity, a template for the day. He then proceeded to explain that nearly 3 million workers are off sick and it will be costing the government billions. Next came strong doubts that more than a few were genuinely ill. Then the economy struggling…

Made the mistake of listening to this station as I ran some errands on my lunch. First bit was bad enough (some twat asking why the illegal boat immigrants aren’t destitute but in taxpayer funded hotels) but the second bit was shocking. The presenter is a white male about 60. He started preaching that his dad only ever had one day off while he lived at home and that was for a funeral. He said this was because he couldn’t afford to because he was a self employed painter but also because of how work ethic was different back then and it set you up with an identity, a template for the day. He then proceeded to explain that nearly 3 million workers are off sick and it will be costing the government billions. Next came strong doubts that more than a few were genuinely ill. Then the economy struggling was blamed on people not wanting to work. No mate, wages are shit, inflation and interest rates are ridiculous and house prices are a joke. Why bust a gut, especially if you’re ill. Fuck this guy, if I wasn’t working I’d have rung up but likely they wouldn’t have let me on.

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