
You do what I tell you to do. If I say don’t do that, don’t do that. There’s no discussion.

This is a sales job. I’m (47m) very skilled. Senior level experienced. I’m a month into a new industry, and the manager (55ish F) sees my CRM walking by when I stop her to ask a proposal question. ‘What’s this?’ She says in confusion to my recent copy pasted email response that I’m logging in my notes under the prospect. I tell her this and she repeats ‘no, what’s this?’ again referencing my note. Before I can finish asking her to clarify because I was confused, ‘don’t do that. Don’t do that’ I ask ‘oh, why, what’s the issue?’ ‘We don’t do that, you’re clogging up the CRM it’s a mess. Search your emails. Don’t have it in the CRM.’ ‘I don’t agree with this, this allows me to be more productive and have all previous conversations in one place, emails and call and meeting notes, for anyone to reference…

This is a sales job. I’m (47m) very skilled. Senior level experienced. I’m a month into a new industry, and the manager (55ish F) sees my CRM walking by when I stop her to ask a proposal question. ‘What’s this?’ She says in confusion to my recent copy pasted email response that I’m logging in my notes under the prospect. I tell her this and she repeats ‘no, what’s this?’ again referencing my note. Before I can finish asking her to clarify because I was confused, ‘don’t do that. Don’t do that’

I ask ‘oh, why, what’s the issue?’

‘We don’t do that, you’re clogging up the CRM it’s a mess. Search your emails. Don’t have it in the CRM.’

‘I don’t agree with this, this allows me to be more productive and have all previous conversations in one place, emails and call and meeting notes, for anyone to reference now or in the future. It takes more time for me to type in a search in my emails than it does to copy paste incoming and outgoing emails.’

‘You can remember’ she says, apparently not listening and simply waiting to lay down the law.

‘I’m sorry, but I again can’t agree here. I’m not willing to rely on my memory for some details related to a sale.’

‘Are you arguing with me?’

‘I wouldn’t call this arguing, this is a matter of method, not production or skill’

‘Are you going to keep arguing? Really you’re going to keep arguing with me here?’

‘…I guess so? I’m not sure you’ve explained to me why this is important to our success’ (which is what I was going to finish saying before she cuts me off

‘why don’t you step into my office…let’s talk there….right now.’

The rest is along the lines of ‘don’t disrespect me in front of anyone ever again, I should fire you immediately. When I tell you to do something you do it. End of discussion.’

This is the first sign since coming on board that I’m working ‘For’ someone and not ‘with’ someone.

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