
Employer paid benefits?

I have a question – my spouse is a teacher and they work on one year letters of itent (strictly not contracts as stated by their HR and the CEO). The state pensions, social security tax, unemployment tax, and Medicare tax are considered “school paid employer benefits.” Isn't it wrong to call these benefits? They HAVE to pay these and unless the school is covering the employee's portion, doesn't really seemike a benefit. It's like “we bought you a desk and a computer to use, that's a benefit and we're calling it such to make us look wonderful.” Is this all nuts or am I missing something?

I have a question – my spouse is a teacher and they work on one year letters of itent (strictly not contracts as stated by their HR and the CEO). The state pensions, social security tax, unemployment tax, and Medicare tax are considered “school paid employer benefits.”

Isn't it wrong to call these benefits? They HAVE to pay these and unless the school is covering the employee's portion, doesn't really seemike a benefit. It's like “we bought you a desk and a computer to use, that's a benefit and we're calling it such to make us look wonderful.”

Is this all nuts or am I missing something?

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