
Work just makes me so anxious

I don’t quite know what my issue is but work gets me so anxious it’s hard to think straight. I used to get like this for school too. Just wound up and like I couldn’t breathe or think. I’m not sure why. If I feel too much pressure to be perfect or what, but it’s exhausting. Sometimes I wish I could work fully remote or do a low level job that wouldn’t worry me like this, but damn, this job just lays enough to live comfortably after years of stress about not making enough and being exhausted not having any free time. I hate that this is how life is when it doesn’t have to be. This position could be fully remote but the head of my department sucks and doesn’t want anyone to use that especially now that the pandemic is over.

I don’t quite know what my issue is but work gets me so anxious it’s hard to think straight. I used to get like this for school too. Just wound up and like I couldn’t breathe or think. I’m not sure why. If I feel too much pressure to be perfect or what, but it’s exhausting.

Sometimes I wish I could work fully remote or do a low level job that wouldn’t worry me like this, but damn, this job just lays enough to live comfortably after years of stress about not making enough and being exhausted not having any free time. I hate that this is how life is when it doesn’t have to be. This position could be fully remote but the head of my department sucks and doesn’t want anyone to use that especially now that the pandemic is over.

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