
The other side of the UPS strike.

After an interesting day at work I thought I'd share some of the corporate dumbassery going on at UPS. I work there not as a union teamster but as a corporate IT desk jockey. So obviously I haven't touched an actual box in years. Today we had a meeting on the impending strike and state of the negotiations! Now they were very clear that this was just contingency planning and not set in stone. Their plan is to have us and other random employees be assigned out to hubs around the country to help out if the strike happens. My assignment would be 7 hours away, and could be for a couple days or even longer. The last time this happened in '97 it was for 15 days. So instead of paying the teamsters better, they want random untrained, unqualified, and unwilling employees to go do it. This would also…

After an interesting day at work I thought I'd share some of the corporate dumbassery going on at UPS.

I work there not as a union teamster but as a corporate IT desk jockey. So obviously I haven't touched an actual box in years. Today we had a meeting on the impending strike and state of the negotiations!

Now they were very clear that this was just contingency planning and not set in stone. Their plan is to have us and other random employees be assigned out to hubs around the country to help out if the strike happens. My assignment would be 7 hours away, and could be for a couple days or even longer. The last time this happened in '97 it was for 15 days.

So instead of paying the teamsters better, they want random untrained, unqualified, and unwilling employees to go do it. This would also need them to pay for hotel, travel, and food costs. All of my team is getting assignments, including supervisors and my manager. Thrown all over from Montana to Florida!

I'm already sending out new applications.

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