
We need to have laws surrounding the use of AI/automation.

As I learned with Machine Learning and running a few experiments with AI's, I have come to a conclusion I'd like to share; We need laws surrounding the use of AI's in the workplace. We need to have protections in place that prevent the over-automation of jobs. This would prevent job-loss over technology. It's not just the problem with copyrights that I see, It's also how replacing people in some jobs with AI, might lead to some serious issues later down the road, such has huge unemployement rates and an overuse AI could led to industry stagnation (AI's can only work within the scope of their model). That being said, We need a standardisation of the use of it, the how, when and in what capacity it should be used. This would create a scenario where ALL PEOPLE benefit from it, but not at the detriment of people or industry.

As I learned with Machine Learning and running a few experiments with AI's, I have come to a conclusion I'd like to share;

We need laws surrounding the use of AI's in the workplace.

We need to have protections in place that prevent the over-automation of jobs. This would prevent job-loss over technology.

It's not just the problem with copyrights that I see, It's also how replacing people in some jobs with AI, might lead to some serious issues later down the road, such has huge unemployement rates and an overuse AI could led to industry stagnation (AI's can only work within the scope of their model).

That being said, We need a standardisation of the use of it, the how, when and in what capacity it should be used.

This would create a scenario where ALL PEOPLE benefit from it, but not at the detriment of people or industry.

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