
Karen mad about sick days

My team at work is small, a rehab hospital in admin – which tends to not be busy in the summer. One of the many Karen’s I work with has made it her personal mission to make me look bad, as she has seniority I’m worried it’s working – started 2 years before me. Besides the fact that she acts like my boss, corrects me in front of patients & coworkers, makes condescending jokes & comments and complains about me to everyone who will listen. I’ve taken 2 sick days off this last week (on average 1-2 days a month paid .6 wage) with a severe migraine & a coworker/friend has mentioned that Karen is furious, threatening to quit and complaining to our manager. How can I make “nice” while dodging her lectures & condescending comments? It’s been a year of her passive aggressive stupidity & I’m tired – how…

My team at work is small, a rehab hospital in admin – which tends to not be busy in the summer. One of the many Karen’s I work with has made it her personal mission to make me look bad, as she has seniority I’m worried it’s working – started 2 years before me. Besides the fact that she acts like my boss, corrects me in front of patients & coworkers, makes condescending jokes & comments and complains about me to everyone who will listen. I’ve taken 2 sick days off this last week (on average 1-2 days a month paid .6 wage) with a severe migraine & a coworker/friend has mentioned that Karen is furious, threatening to quit and complaining to our manager. How can I make “nice” while dodging her lectures & condescending comments? It’s been a year of her passive aggressive stupidity & I’m tired – how do people do this???

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