
sent home early for being in the bathroom too long?

I recently started working at a casino which means i’m on the floor for 8 hours and although it can get pretty boring doing nothing i push through it. Last night around 12:27am i had to step into the bathroom because i’ve been having really bad IBS flare ups (that while on my period is a terrible combo). I was in there the longest time i’ve ever been in there, around 30 minutes. I was trying to hurry as i leave at 2:30. The grave shift manager busts in while i’m in the stall and yells my name and after i respond she just yells, “YOU CAN GO HOME” and leaves. No reasoning, just tells me to leave. I called the manager of managers (not the gm) this morning and she tells me i was in the bathroom for too long and i need to call off whenever i go…

I recently started working at a casino which means i’m on the floor for 8 hours and although it can get pretty boring doing nothing i push through it. Last night around 12:27am i had to step into the bathroom because i’ve been having really bad IBS flare ups (that while on my period is a terrible combo). I was in there the longest time i’ve ever been in there, around 30 minutes. I was trying to hurry as i leave at 2:30.

The grave shift manager busts in while i’m in the stall and yells my name and after i respond she just yells, “YOU CAN GO HOME” and leaves. No reasoning, just tells me to leave. I called the manager of managers (not the gm) this morning and she tells me i was in the bathroom for too long and i need to call off whenever i go to the bathroom (i’ve never heard of this and NOBODY does this). I explain to her i have IBS and she starts to make it seem like it’s a problem instead of being somewhat understanding. Basically when i go into work tonight i’ll be written up when i have a medical condition . i don’t want to announce when i’m going to the bathroom and have it basically timed. that’s so embarrassing with flare ups that happen randomly. Am i just being dramatic?

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