
16 year old here, just got my first job. What the hell?

I will be keeping the location I applied to hidden, just an FYI. I'm honestly thinking about backing out now due to how the interview went. This happened about a week ago, and I applied to a fast food restaurant. I went during their lunch hour, which is always busy. The manager came out about 20 minutes late. I don't know if this is due to their lunch rush, or the manager just wanting to see if I'd stick around to see how desperate I was for a job, but either way that's ridiculous. Why schedule the interview during your lunch rush if it's always busy anyway? Prior to the interview, I prepared myself with questions and answers that a basic interview will have. Once the interview was over, I could say I was asked NONE of the questions that I prepared myself for. Yes, I understand it's just fast…

I will be keeping the location I applied to hidden, just an FYI.

I'm honestly thinking about backing out now due to how the interview went. This happened about a week ago, and I applied to a fast food restaurant. I went during their lunch hour, which is always busy. The manager came out about 20 minutes late. I don't know if this is due to their lunch rush, or the manager just wanting to see if I'd stick around to see how desperate I was for a job, but either way that's ridiculous. Why schedule the interview during your lunch rush if it's always busy anyway? Prior to the interview, I prepared myself with questions and answers that a basic interview will have. Once the interview was over, I could say I was asked NONE of the questions that I prepared myself for. Yes, I understand it's just fast food, but come on. I was only asked two things: my shirt size, and when I could start. Everything felt so awkward and horribly managed. I don't know if I'm in the wrong for not asking questions, but NOTHING was told to me. I don't know the manager's name, I didn't know what to do with my labor permission form paper, I didn't know that I was supposed to buy black pants and shoes, and I was forced into starting sooner than I wanted to. If it wasn't for my friend already working there, I'd be fucked in terms of knowing what to do. Thanks for reading!

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