
Overworked and frustrated, I feel stuck.

I work at an establishment that offers loans to people through the items they bring, as well as a typical retail experience where we resell items too. It is a very social job, one that leaves me angry, stressed, and overwhelmed. I was hired as a part-timer. I’m good at my job, and now I do a lot more than what’s really required which is honestly a mistake and I’ve gotten tired of it. New hires don’t last long. This company constantly moves people around to different store locations for no reason other than many assistant managers and employees leaving. So now, my location is short-staffed where only two people manage a store most days of the week and I’m filling in, working full time hours (with NO benefits because I was hired as part-time) AND stepping into an assistant manager role. It’s gotten to a point where I struggle…

I work at an establishment that offers loans to people through the items they bring, as well as a typical retail experience where we resell items too. It is a very social job, one that leaves me angry, stressed, and overwhelmed.

I was hired as a part-timer. I’m good at my job, and now I do a lot more than what’s really required which is honestly a mistake and I’ve gotten tired of it.

New hires don’t last long. This company constantly moves people around to different store locations for no reason other than many assistant managers and employees leaving.
So now, my location is short-staffed where only two people manage a store most days of the week and I’m filling in, working full time hours (with NO benefits because I was hired as part-time) AND stepping into an assistant manager role.
It’s gotten to a point where I struggle to find the energy to work with customers, I’m dreading coming into work, I’m messing up more frequently and it’s too much.
I got out of work and had a panic attack because my boss was upset that I kept screwing up all these little things. It’s nothing that I asked for! I just do the bare minimum and somehow that was enough for them to be like “ok here’s all the codes and passwords to everything we do!”

We don’t get lunch, so we have to just eat and work through the day. It’s exhausting especially when we’re constantly dealing with people in stressful situations who trauma dump non stop or get frustrated when we can’t provide them a good loan offer.

I’ve expressed to my boss how frustrating it is just managing a store with such few people, but he doesn’t do a thing

My boss is picky with who he hires, and oftentimes just sits and goes through his phone or take up calls + snapchats in the back while my coworker and I manage things.

It’s even more frustrating that most of what the higher ups ask for is just tedious work that adds little to nothing. I am. So. Tired. Of watching the SAME lesson videos every week.

There’s an abundance of rules and guidelines they add to every step we do (which they only add because they can’t be bothered to do it themselves, and all that for a measly $12/hr and a very SMALL percentage in commission.
I’m also about to be firearm certified, but there’s no offer for a raise. They state “firearm certification just means more commission!” yeah ok. just more work for me.

I’m sitting here now, dreading coming to work tomorrow. I haven’t missed a day of my job but for once I don’t even want to show up tomorrow. All I wanted was a part-time job while I figured out what to do with myself in my early 20’s after dropping out of school and dealing with some personal trauma. I can’t even imagine being able to go back if I have to spend my entire days finding enough energy to function at work and barely make time for myself.

I used to like my job when we weren’t short staffed. I liked my coworkers and how much fun we used to have because we had each others backs.
I miss when I didn’t have to worry about shit that’s outside my pay-grade. When I actually had breaks to sit down and eat my lunch uninterrupted + have more days off to focus on myself and the hobbies I used to love.

Now I find everything pointless and I feel so stuck. I don’t know what to do anymore. I just want to quit already. Fuck this company, they don’t give a shit.

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