
Seeking Advice – Possible Legal Action against Former Employer

Sooooo I'm gonna condense a lot of the details but here's the rundown: I recently had an unsettling experience with my former auto employer, and I'm looking for some advice on how to proceed. Let's call the company “XYZ Auto Insurance”. To provide some context, I have over 4 years of experience in the auto insurance field, and I was excited to join , especially since their office was extremely close to my home I started at XYZ Auto Insurance on June 27th and voluntarily resigned on July 13th due to some serious issues. During my time there, I requested more comprehensive training on their computer systems and daily tasks to ensure I could provide the best service to the customers plus I just need to know how the heck to do my job. However, my office manager, let's call him “John Smith,” completely disregarded my concerns and denied my…

Sooooo I'm gonna condense a lot of the details but here's the rundown:

I recently had an unsettling experience with my former auto employer, and I'm looking for some advice on how to proceed. Let's call the company “XYZ Auto Insurance”.

To provide some context, I have over 4 years of experience in the auto insurance field, and I was excited to join , especially since their office was extremely close to my home

I started at XYZ Auto Insurance on June 27th and voluntarily resigned on July 13th due to some serious issues. During my time there, I requested more comprehensive training on their computer systems and daily tasks to ensure I could provide the best service to the customers plus I just need to know how the heck to do my job. However, my office manager, let's call him “John Smith,” completely disregarded my concerns and denied my request for proper training.

His idea of training is to “click all the computer modules, most that include how to use our archaic computer systems, state regulations, and necessities to do the basic functions of your job, and finish them as quickly as possible so I can train you with what you really need to know.”

As an experienced professional, I know that state regulations require new employees to receive adequate training, but John failed to comply with these rules. I've also witnessed how sensitive customer information was being stored in the office and that's a WHOLE no-no. (Writing down names, DOBs, last 4 of social etc)
All this raised significant red flags for me.

Now, let me tell you about the payday situation. XYZ Auto Insurance usually pays its employees on the 5th and 20th of each month. I dont have a bank account, and John wrote me a paper check on the 5th. Couldn't cash it because he misspelled my name, but ended up sending me the funds that day via paypal. However, on the 20th of July, I texted him to let him know I can come pick my check up and John informed me that a paper check would be issued and mailed to me. To make matters worse, he also mentioned that he'd be withholding the background check and the cost of being appointed (to deal with insurance, you gotta get appointed to write/sell policies) which I had no prior knowledge of during my hiring process that it would be something to come out of my pay.

What bothers me the most is that the office is so close to my home that picking up a check wouldn't have been an issue at all. It feels like John is personally being shady by choosing to mail the check instead of having it ready for pick-up at the office.

This entire situation has left me concerned and I'm contemplating seeking legal advice to understand my rights and potential actions against XYZ Auto Insurance. Has anyone else dealt with similar issues in the insurance industry or with their workplace in general? If so, how did you handle it?

Any advice or recommendations on finding an employment lawyer or the right course of action would be greatly appreciated.

Apologies in advance if I dont reply to comments timely or right away.

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