
Why are People (usually family/coworkers) so Against the Idea of you Taking a Break?

Some background: I grew up very very poor. We never had money; when I started working at 14, a lot of the money went to bills and food for my siblings and I. Living how we did, with struggling financially and some of the abuse that occurred, I developed a couple mental health issues (BPD+MDD, suicidal ideations and SH for about a decade). Anyways, I am now in my early 20s. I moved out at 17. I have been working hard, saving my money despite the sadness and emptiness I feel. I've consistently maintained around $10k. I know in the grand scheme of things it isn't much. But my lifestyle is lowkey. Rent for me in this lil town is about $300. My bills each month come out to about $500. I make a humble $2500/mo. I'm content generally. Lately though, work has been brutal. I need a break, like…

Some background: I grew up very very poor. We never had money; when I started working at 14, a lot of the money went to bills and food for my siblings and I. Living how we did, with struggling financially and some of the abuse that occurred, I developed a couple mental health issues (BPD+MDD, suicidal ideations and SH for about a decade). Anyways, I am now in my early 20s. I moved out at 17. I have been working hard, saving my money despite the sadness and emptiness I feel. I've consistently maintained around $10k. I know in the grand scheme of things it isn't much. But my lifestyle is lowkey. Rent for me in this lil town is about $300. My bills each month come out to about $500. I make a humble $2500/mo. I'm content generally. Lately though, work has been brutal. I need a break, like a good month or two. My mental health is suffering greatly; the bad thoughts are coming back. But when I tell my family I'm gonna take a couple months off work, they tell me I'm making a mistake and that I need to keep working because it's stupid of me not to. Mind you these people literally owe me hundreds of $ right now. I explain to them, if I can afford it at the moment, and i am anguished every minute, why not?? They just come back with I need to save more. I don't care about retirement I want to live right now. Am I stupid to take a break?

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