
fired them before they could fire me (vent)

Already had some incoming letters of offer. Was dealing with the shittiest office gossip. Didn’t have much work-life balance either; work was invasively digging around in my personal. Also harassing me with info they acquired illegally (audio/video tracking software on my personal cell. I know they heard/saw me go to the washroom. Saw/heard me in my “personal” time and when I was changing. Saw/heard me get upset about them harassing me and do nothing about it. Fucking gross ass creeps. Although hilariously I know they saw me pick my nose, talk obnoxiously to myself, yell, fart and burp loudly, make weird noises, found out who I was crushing on at work, swear like a fucking sailor which I never do at work – but these do make me chuckle a little. Heard private conversations with my family with my friends and phone calls. Heard specific details about one of my…

Already had some incoming letters of offer.

Was dealing with the shittiest office gossip. Didn’t have much work-life balance either; work was invasively digging around in my personal. Also harassing me with info they acquired illegally (audio/video tracking software on my personal cell. I know they heard/saw me go to the washroom. Saw/heard me in my “personal” time and when I was changing. Saw/heard me get upset about them harassing me and do nothing about it. Fucking gross ass creeps. Although hilariously I know they saw me pick my nose, talk obnoxiously to myself, yell, fart and burp loudly, make weird noises, found out who I was crushing on at work, swear like a fucking sailor which I never do at work – but these do make me chuckle a little. Heard private conversations with my family with my friends and phone calls. Heard specific details about one of my parent’s illness which inadvertently breached patient doctor confidentiality – just broken law after broken law). Like working for a criminal organization.

Anyways, I caught a vibe of a firing. So, I asked if the start date could be moved up for one of the offers, luckily it was possible. So, I “fired” them (before they could fire me).

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I don’t understand why places think they can demand loyalty and have the audacity to say things like “don’t burn bridges” or “please, we’re understaffed” when they clearly have no care in the world burning those bridges to absolute ash against their employees.

Add: one time I didn’t know they were “listening” and I cussed them out for 30 minutes straight and another time after I realized, I cussed them out for >3 hours straight (9:30 PM to past 12:30AM!). I never felt such strong r/antiwork vibes in my life than during this job. Miraculously dissolved when I started the new one. I never left a job so fast in my life.

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