
Manager won’t fire me due to short staffing.

I'll put a TLDR at the bottom. I work on a high pressure sales floor for a company that I've grown to despise over the last 6 months or so. My sales numbers are plummeting because I refuse to play their mind games on completely innocent people. When I first hit the floor I was doing fantastic. My first two months I wrote $83,000 in sales volume. But it's grown stagnate, I haven't recieved any commissions yet for any of it so I'm starting to lose passion to continue, basically doing the bare minimum. My supervisor and closing manager don't like this because I refuse to act like an ass to people who don't deserve it. I get told how I'm not doing my job and I need to step it up. I agreed to work at a position that presents a product, and do it professionally. No where was…

I'll put a TLDR at the bottom. I work on a high pressure sales floor for a company that I've grown to despise over the last 6 months or so. My sales numbers are plummeting because I refuse to play their mind games on completely innocent people. When I first hit the floor I was doing fantastic. My first two months I wrote $83,000 in sales volume. But it's grown stagnate, I haven't recieved any commissions yet for any of it so I'm starting to lose passion to continue, basically doing the bare minimum.

My supervisor and closing manager don't like this because I refuse to act like an ass to people who don't deserve it. I get told how I'm not doing my job and I need to step it up. I agreed to work at a position that presents a product, and do it professionally. No where was I told I had to be somebody I'm not, never have and never will. Every one of my clients I have sold to being my genuine self. Yeah I might not be the most successful rep on the floor, but I'm not the worst. My presentation is by the book, and I put my genuine personality and heart into every pitch. But nice doesn't sell as often as being a hard ass. Regardless, I'm not doing anything wrong by policy stand point, so his hands are completely tied.

Now, I've almost gone a month without a sale, in this industry you're liable to be let go if you don't produce. However, since we're short staffed as it is, my boss can't fire me without shooting himself in the foot. And upper won't let him hire anyone new, and I can't seem to find a new position anywhere (35 applications in, nothing yet). So he's resorted to belittlemant and sarcasm, some days it's so bad I have to get my fiance to talk me out of walking off the line in the middle of the day. At this point, I'm about to break, but ofcourse I need that $12 an hour to survive so… I'm left coming here, getting talked down too until I can find a new position in a city filled with Help Wanted signs and no phone calls to be had lol.

TLDR; Manager is upset with my poor performance, but can't fire me due to staffing. And I haven't been able to find a replacement position else where.

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