
In 3 hours (EU time), I’m about to have the interview that will change my life.

Meanwhile, I'm at my crappy job dying jackshit just waiting. I know i will get yelled/bullied, like everyday, from my crappy boss but today feels like I actually don't give a damn anymore. I might have a already .pdf for my resignation ready once this interview is in the bag (it is most likely). With Peace and Love ️ may this Monday be a little crappier to you

Meanwhile, I'm at my crappy job dying jackshit just waiting. I know i will get yelled/bullied, like everyday, from my crappy boss but today feels like I actually don't give a damn anymore.
I might have a already .pdf for my resignation ready once this interview is in the bag (it is most likely).

With Peace and Love ️ may this Monday be a little crappier to you

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