
Is it illegal for an assistant manager to call/message employees regarding work while he’s looking at the cameras from home?

My partner is a team lead at a fast food place and she started getting msgs from her manager asking things like “where is A, I don't see her car?” or “tell B to go clean the dining room” among other things. The thing is, he does this on his days off and it's making everyone feel uncomfortable, like they are always being watched by this guy. It really bothers me because this guy has nothing better to do than to constantly watch the people at work and try to tell them what to do from home. My partner is tired of receiving calls/messages. Is there any legality to that?

My partner is a team lead at a fast food place and she started getting msgs from her manager asking things like “where is A, I don't see her car?” or “tell B to go clean the dining room” among other things. The thing is, he does this on his days off and it's making everyone feel uncomfortable, like they are always being watched by this guy.

It really bothers me because this guy has nothing better to do than to constantly watch the people at work and try to tell them what to do from home. My partner is tired of receiving calls/messages. Is there any legality to that?

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