
Should I quit my fast food job after only working 4 days?

I started working last Wednesday and it’s Monday and I already want to quit. When applying for this job I was under the impression that I would be a full time employee with a 40 hour work week. At this rate I’m looking over the schedule and one of the guys who has been there at least a year is only getting scheduled 3 days a week only getting 16 hours. At 12 an hour this isn’t feasible. I am currently taking a gap year in hopes that I’ll be able to save for college tuition but at this rate I won’t be able to save enough to even take care of my self and my two dogs. The job itself isn’t horrible but it’s an extremely slow location, literally only averaging 3-4 cars an hour. So I end up sitting around for 90% of my shift or just mindlessly…

I started working last Wednesday and it’s Monday and I already want to quit. When applying for this job I was under the impression that I would be a full time employee with a 40 hour work week. At this rate I’m looking over the schedule and one of the guys who has been there at least a year is only getting scheduled 3 days a week only getting 16 hours. At 12 an hour this isn’t feasible. I am currently taking a gap year in hopes that I’ll be able to save for college tuition but at this rate I won’t be able to save enough to even take care of my self and my two dogs. The job itself isn’t horrible but it’s an extremely slow location, literally only averaging 3-4 cars an hour. So I end up sitting around for 90% of my shift or just mindlessly doing tedious cleaning or prep.

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