
My boss just yelled at me because the Comcast Internet is down and I couldn’t convince Comcast to turn it back on.

For background, I’m the AP Supervisor at a small company in Princeton, NJ. I pay the bills and maintain the finances but have very little to do with the day to day actual meat of the company. Apparently Comcast in their infinite wisdom decided 8:00am on Wednesday is the best time to enhance their network. Since we’re mainly remote, this basically means we can’t access our servers while they do their work. My boss called me and told me to call Comcast and tell them this is unacceptable. I rolled my eyes but I gave it my best effort and Comcast basically told me that they’re working as fast as they can and there’s nothing to be done. But they did give me a credit for the next 5 days for the inconvenience. I told my boss that and he lit into me about how what’s unacceptable is that I…

For background, I’m the AP Supervisor at a small company in Princeton, NJ. I pay the bills and maintain the finances but have very little to do with the day to day actual meat of the company. Apparently Comcast in their infinite wisdom decided 8:00am on Wednesday is the best time to enhance their network. Since we’re mainly remote, this basically means we can’t access our servers while they do their work. My boss called me and told me to call Comcast and tell them this is unacceptable. I rolled my eyes but I gave it my best effort and Comcast basically told me that they’re working as fast as they can and there’s nothing to be done. But they did give me a credit for the next 5 days for the inconvenience. I told my boss that and he lit into me about how what’s unacceptable is that I can’t get done what’s asked of me. I was floored…like what do you expect me to do. He said he’s gonna call now but I doubt he’ll let me know how he gets on. This is the same guy who last week told me that I need to call him whenever I email him if it’s important because he doesn’t read my emails. I have an interview at another company tomorrow so I’m just taking it day by day…but what the hell was I supposed to do?

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