
This is a sub for venting about slight annoyances, right?

I am a middle-class professional with a great job that I love. I'm proud to work hard every day, and I make lots of money. I have a big house in the suburbs, 4 weeks vacation every year, and a 401k that will allow me to retire at 55. But my boss did something that was slightly rude. It caused a mild inconvenience to me! Now I am thinking about getting a new job doing the same thing at a virtually identical company that will appreciate my loyalty and hard work. I'm sure you guys can identify with my struggle, right?

I am a middle-class professional with a great job that I love. I'm proud to work hard every day, and I make lots of money. I have a big house in the suburbs, 4 weeks vacation every year, and a 401k that will allow me to retire at 55. But my boss did something that was slightly rude. It caused a mild inconvenience to me! Now I am thinking about getting a new job doing the same thing at a virtually identical company that will appreciate my loyalty and hard work. I'm sure you guys can identify with my struggle, right?

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