
Job fires me because i’m too ‘sad’ and want to get paid.

Sorry in advance of typos and grammar this is a long story! I recently started working at a small spiritual boutique. Every since I started working there I had always felt ‘out’; Im spiritual but these people were crossing line into anti-vax somewhat problematic territory. The beginning of the end started when I got pulled aside by my manger to talk about some problems that were affecting the team. My manger proceeded to tell me that the people around me think I’m spiritual upset and just look depressed and that its effecting everyone around me. I was immediately off putted by this, that’s just a thing you don’t say to another person and on top of that my co-workers gossiping about how sad I am was just weird. I ignored this for about 2 weeks until it was time to get paid, I was out of town when the check…

Sorry in advance of typos and grammar this is a long story! I recently started working at a small spiritual boutique. Every since I started working there I had always felt ‘out’; Im spiritual but these people were crossing line into anti-vax somewhat problematic territory. The beginning of the end started when I got pulled aside by my manger to talk about some problems that were affecting the team. My manger proceeded to tell me that the people around me think I’m spiritual upset and just look depressed and that its effecting everyone around me. I was immediately off putted by this, that’s just a thing you don’t say to another person and on top of that my co-workers gossiping about how sad I am was just weird. I ignored this for about 2 weeks until it was time to get paid, I was out of town when the check was supposed to be deposited- it never was. I came in on Monday to ask her about the deposit and claimed that it must have been my fault and this has simply never happened before in her years and years of management, but after some insistence she said she’d check with her bank. Low and behold it was actually her fault! she’d entered my account number wrong because she cut off the first 4 digits (still dont know why she did that). She explained that she’d tell her bank and they’d re-issue the deposit, they never did. After about 4 days still no deposit I brought it back up to her, she said that it must be my fault and that she needed to see screenshots of the deposits into my bank account because the burden of proof was on me (it wasn’t),along with the screenshots I asked her to send the tracking number for the deposit so my bank could track this, she refused saying she didn’t have access to the number. I sent all the info she needed about 2 days ago, I wake up this morning to a text saying I’m fired because i’m just so so sad and its effecting everyone around and not upholding company values by being sooooo depressed, mind you all this without the paycheck! I text her saying I still havent been paid she still insist I will get the check tomorrow (mind you this is the exact same response I got when this issue first started). Im going to file a complaint with the local work force union regardless of if I get paid tomorrow, this is beyond illegal.

TLDR: I got fire because my co-workers think im depressed and my manger owes me 15k!

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