
I’m stuck in this dead end city and I want to escape far, far away from here.

I work as a cleaner, my current role is to go to various buildings that have no cleaner (not staffed or they called off) and clean them. It is so fucking soul sucking, and the actual bosses fucking suck for reasons I don't have the mental capacity to type out right now, The hours suck. It's so draining and I barely have any time for myself, to even relax. And of course, the pay is so fucking meager for the amount of work we have to do, $13.00, we get nitpicked for every little fuck up, and management is so out of touch with us actual workers. My friend works as a fucking dishwasher for Chipotle and makes more than I do! I want to leave the job, but all the job listings I've seen are for manufacturing jobs and factory jobs, jobs that require experience, college degrees or speed,…

I work as a cleaner, my current role is to go to various buildings that have no cleaner (not staffed or they called off) and clean them. It is so fucking soul sucking, and the actual bosses fucking suck for reasons I don't have the mental capacity to type out right now,

The hours suck. It's so draining and I barely have any time for myself, to even relax. And of course, the pay is so fucking meager for the amount of work we have to do, $13.00, we get nitpicked for every little fuck up, and management is so out of touch with us actual workers. My friend works as a fucking dishwasher for Chipotle and makes more than I do!

I want to leave the job, but all the job listings I've seen are for manufacturing jobs and factory jobs, jobs that require experience, college degrees or speed, and I have none of those, there are maybe a few tiny outcroppings, like a grocery store or two, or a popular gas station chain, but if I exhaust all those options? It's hopeless.

If I leave, I can't get another job for a considerable amount of time.

I got this crazy idea, I just want to consolidate all my money, put a down-payment for a years worth of the cheapest insurance (I believe General Liability Insurance is about $30-$50 where I live) and just leave with what money I have left over in my car.

I feel like I'm suffocating in this city, I feel like I'm going to die here, and I hate it, I hate everything about this place, I always have, even since I was a kid, I just dreamed about leaving this place behind.

Is this a good idea? I don't have anywhere else I could stay if I leave, all my friends live where I do and they also live with their parents because the renting and housing economy fucking suck where I live.

I'd just be in my car, but that's better than burdening my mom with me living with her without being able to pay rent, and it's better than being stuck at this shitty company that treats me with such blatant disrespect, and makes my every day here absolute hell.

I just want to escape.

I just need some outside opinions, outside suggestions, just someone to at least tell me I'm not going crazy for wanting to run away from this shitty world.

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