
Getting up at 2:30 am for $10 an hour

Why do places that know they rely on adults to run, like coffee shops that need people in when kids are at school, pay so little? It doesn't help that the place I applied through had the job posted for $11 an hour. My sibling works here and makes $11 an hour (though they lied and said sib was making $11.50.) Do they think we can't see how much we're making? HR literally shows you how to do that during orientation… Do they think we're dumb?

Why do places that know they rely on adults to run, like coffee shops that need people in when kids are at school, pay so little?

It doesn't help that the place I applied through had the job posted for $11 an hour. My sibling works here and makes $11 an hour (though they lied and said sib was making $11.50.) Do they think we can't see how much we're making? HR literally shows you how to do that during orientation… Do they think we're dumb?

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