
Was told I’d be called back shortly, but it’s already been 6 hours.

Applied for a office clerk job near me that wouldn't be too much more then what I do now but pays nearly $6 more then what I get now. I get a email a few days later asking to arrange a time to talk about to hr position I applied for. I don't think it was supposed to be an interview but more just feeling the waters the see if I'd fit the role. Fast forward a week and a half later of rescheduling the phone call I get asked to call this person's office number instead of them calling me. I thought this was weird but thought I'd oblige them just to see what happens. At this point I'd already pretty much decided that if they wanted to reschedule again I'd just not reply and move on. The time comes to call this person but it takes 3 tries…

Applied for a office clerk job near me that wouldn't be too much more then what I do now but pays nearly $6 more then what I get now. I get a email a few days later asking to arrange a time to talk about to hr position I applied for. I don't think it was supposed to be an interview but more just feeling the waters the see if I'd fit the role. Fast forward a week and a half later of rescheduling the phone call I get asked to call this person's office number instead of them calling me. I thought this was weird but thought I'd oblige them just to see what happens. At this point I'd already pretty much decided that if they wanted to reschedule again I'd just not reply and move on. The time comes to call this person but it takes 3 tries for them to finally pick up just to ask me two questions and to say something urgent came up and Was told I'd be called back shortly, but it's already been 6 hours. I pretty much knew I wouldn't be called back after the first hour.

Does any of this seem odd or suspicious? Or this just standard operating procedure for when companies just don't want to move forward with an applicant.

Originally wrote this out to be longer and more detail but the reddit app bugged out and I didn't want to retype it all again so hope this suffices. I'll go into more detail If y'all would like.

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