
Should have kept your mouth shut

I started as a pharmacy tech trainee about 2 months ago. We pack pills for senior and long-term care centers. The work isn't hard, sort of relaxing in a way. I work 40 hours a week and can kind of choose my own hours. I absolutely love it, and I get paid more than I did working retail ($13.50 compared to $11.50). I started at the same time as this young boy. He is friendly but very snobby. He comes from a well-off family. He doesn't really have to work because his parents pay for everything for him, just wanted a foot in the door to be a pharmacist. He does a lot of “humble bragging” because of his advantages. For example; his parents bought him a new Accord with all the bells and whistles when he graduated high school. He is now talking about how he wants his parents…

I started as a pharmacy tech trainee about 2 months ago. We pack pills for senior and long-term care centers. The work isn't hard, sort of relaxing in a way. I work 40 hours a week and can kind of choose my own hours. I absolutely love it, and I get paid more than I did working retail ($13.50 compared to $11.50).

I started at the same time as this young boy. He is friendly but very snobby. He comes from a well-off family. He doesn't really have to work because his parents pay for everything for him, just wanted a foot in the door to be a pharmacist. He does a lot of “humble bragging” because of his advantages. For example; his parents bought him a new Accord with all the bells and whistles when he graduated high school. He is now talking about how he wants his parents to buy him a new Mustang so we can have something cool to drive around when he feels like it…..yeah.

Anyways, a common thing with him is that he brags about knowing all these influential people, including the owner of the pharmacy. He then proceeded to tell us that, because the owner is a family friend, he is paid more than the rest of us techs. Well, that knowledge spread fast between us techs, and none of us were happy.

Word got to one of the pharmacists, the resident den mother, and she was LIVID. She went to HR and raised hell. Later, each one of us was pulled into a meeting with HR, and they fed us some bs about it being an oversight, and we will all be bumped to the same amount. Which, honestly, is awesome.

So tdlr, boy should have kept his mouth shut about making more than the rest of us, but glad he didn't because I got a raise out of it.

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