
My boss ghosted me

TLDR: my boss hasn’t replied to my communications since 7/17 and I haven’t been scheduled since 7/02 This is a really weird situation and any advice would be appreciated. I graduated from university about a year ago and was hired at a brewery in June of 2022 but was let go due to “lack of business” In January, frustrating but ok. Then I was looking for a job for a while and was hired as an instructor at a Sip and Paint place in March. I was so excited and the job was fun! I figured this was a good way to start out and was pretty close to my field of interest. It was always going to be a part time job with variable hours and that was made clear to me in the interview. What wasn’t made clear to me that was that my boss was the most…

TLDR: my boss hasn’t replied to my communications since 7/17 and I haven’t been scheduled since 7/02

This is a really weird situation and any advice would be appreciated. I graduated from university about a year ago and was hired at a brewery in June of 2022 but was let go due to “lack of business” In January, frustrating but ok. Then I was looking for a job for a while and was hired as an instructor at a Sip and Paint place in March. I was so excited and the job was fun! I figured this was a good way to start out and was pretty close to my field of interest. It was always going to be a part time job with variable hours and that was made clear to me in the interview. What wasn’t made clear to me that was that my boss was the most unorganized person I’ve ever met; I guess I should’ve known because she was late to my interview and I had to wait outside the locked building until she got there. Over the short period I’ve worked for her she has forgotten to leave the keys for employees so we missed entire shifts and couldn’t open HER business, doesn’t answer email or text for up to 2 weeks about anything unless it involves money, hired 5 people and expected them to split 20 hours total knowing we all thought we were going to get more than that, and the final straw for me was when I got scheduled for 2 days in early July and haven’t heard from her since 7/17. I have emailed, texted, and called and received no response. We don’t have a scheduling app so I can’t message coworkers to ask them what’s up and I don’t have their phone numbers either. I interviewed at a new job this week and told them I have open availability but technically am still employed at the paint place idk if I even resigned if she would reply. I also feel like I deserve an explanation? We just had a employee review and it went super well and I even got a raise! I just don’t know what to do and want to stop getting let go from jobs with little explanation. Any advice is helpful

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