
Just found this sub and I just want to vent

I have always hated the stuffed shirt BS work culture. Even jobs that advertise themselves as “cool” seem fake and dumb to me. I cannot stand LinkedIn and I will never be the kind of person who says things like “so proud to be working at ____. Can't wait to take on this challenge!” In an uncharacteristic move, I quit my job due to a corporate takeover which had just made everything ridiculous and changed the scope of my role. Unfortunately I have not found anything else and it has been SIX MONTHS. I feel guilt-ridden every day and applying to jobs has gotten me nowhere. Not to mention I'm applying to jobs that don't sound interesting to me at all. I can't think of any jobs that have really gotten me excited. I hate networking so I don't know that many people, So the “it's who you know” thing…

I have always hated the stuffed shirt BS work culture. Even jobs that advertise themselves as “cool” seem fake and dumb to me. I cannot stand LinkedIn and I will never be the kind of person who says things like “so proud to be working at ____. Can't wait to take on this challenge!”
In an uncharacteristic move, I quit my job due to a corporate takeover which had just made everything ridiculous and changed the scope of my role. Unfortunately I have not found anything else and it has been SIX MONTHS. I feel guilt-ridden every day and applying to jobs has gotten me nowhere. Not to mention I'm applying to jobs that don't sound interesting to me at all. I can't think of any jobs that have really gotten me excited.
I hate networking so I don't know that many people, So the “it's who you know” thing doesn't work for me either.
I am in marketing and smart and creative. I'm older and literally don't know where to go from here.
Is there anybody here who can relate to this? Sorry I'm just stream of consciousness of venting here. I guess I'm treating you guys as therapists!

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