
Told coworker stop talking to me, leave me alone multiple times, he wouldn’t, so I clocked out and left!

Insane story yesterday. I was delivering for a pizza shop here on the east coast. Food come out, I box it up. Like 2-3 deliveries on the screen. I take the lowest number order (meaning it’s the earliest order) assign to myself and head out. This coworker tries to say that I skipped an order to get to the next one bc the one I skipped isn’t a tipper. Not true – based on the numbering of the orders. It was the next one. I told them they’re insane and left for the delivery. I get back. They gets back from their order. Comes up to me to tell me the number I took was after the one they took. I literally showed them the number on the receipt before I left. I concluded this is a psycho and said multiple times to stop talking to me. They wouldn’t. And…

Insane story yesterday. I was delivering for a pizza shop here on the east coast. Food come out, I box it up. Like 2-3 deliveries on the screen. I take the lowest number order (meaning it’s the earliest order) assign to myself and head out. This coworker tries to say that I skipped an order to get to the next one bc the one I skipped isn’t a tipper. Not true – based on the numbering of the orders. It was the next one. I told them they’re insane and left for the delivery.

I get back. They gets back from their order. Comes up to me to tell me the number I took was after the one they took. I literally showed them the number on the receipt before I left. I concluded this is a psycho and said multiple times to stop talking to me. They wouldn’t. And would follow me trying to explain whatever. So I clocked out and left.

I’m gonna have to see the main manager and explain things. I’m gonna ask to only work days this psycho is not there. Gives me a chance to finally learn to code and work only part time anyways.

Hard to believe ppl present themselves like this in public. But it shouldn’t be I guess. They might have early onset of dementia or something. An older person.

Multiple stories of this person barking at me.

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