
Employer backing out of contract days before signing.

Been working for a municipal for several years. Last contract we had to drop banked comp time to 120 hrs and only got 2% raises. And horrible ins. Most ppl in the city simply don't have health insurance. It's 1500 a month for 2 ppl. We constantly lose ppl due to pay and health insurance This year they agreed turnover is a huge issue. Union rep and I planned to aim high and went for a 24% pay increase over 4 years and comp time to 160 and 1 sick day a month. We met in April and gave our list. Shorty after city agreed to everything but some small issues. For last month they have been dragging out signing contract that was suppose to start Aug 1st. 5 days before the contract start they backed out of the deal. They claimed they never checked the budget and can't afford…

Been working for a municipal for several years. Last contract we had to drop banked comp time to 120 hrs and only got 2% raises. And horrible ins. Most ppl in the city simply don't have health insurance. It's 1500 a month for 2 ppl. We constantly lose ppl due to pay and health insurance

This year they agreed turnover is a huge issue. Union rep and I planned to aim high and went for a 24% pay increase over 4 years and comp time to 160 and 1 sick day a month. We met in April and gave our list. Shorty after city agreed to everything but some small issues. For last month they have been dragging out signing contract that was suppose to start Aug 1st.

5 days before the contract start they backed out of the deal. They claimed they never checked the budget and can't afford the raises, are cutting comp down to 80 hours and keeping sick time as is (half a day a month) and are only offering a 17% increase over 4 years.

Our attorney has plans to keep them to prior agreements since 4 months have passed and multiple emails and conversations took place with zero issue until right before the signing.

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