
“Just look the other way.” Thinking it’s time to change employers.

As of late, I've been working in a job field that inspects certain aspects of commercial buildings to make sure they're up to code. I won't go into what exactly I do, but inspections are involved. I am paid to find problems and notify the building owner of these issues so that they can be corrected so that down the line, massive damage and loss of life is precented. Keep in mind, the city/county is also notified of the issues I find. I did a building a few weeks back and found several issues. Our company can also fix those issues. Well some of the issues I found were going to be difficult/tedious to fix. They could be done, but they weren't going to be easy. Well the repair guy who was sent to fix these issues was majorly pissed at me because they weren't easy. So I went to…

As of late, I've been working in a job field that inspects certain aspects of commercial buildings to make sure they're up to code. I won't go into what exactly I do, but inspections are involved. I am paid to find problems and notify the building owner of these issues so that they can be corrected so that down the line, massive damage and loss of life is precented. Keep in mind, the city/county is also notified of the issues I find.

I did a building a few weeks back and found several issues. Our company can also fix those issues. Well some of the issues I found were going to be difficult/tedious to fix. They could be done, but they weren't going to be easy.

Well the repair guy who was sent to fix these issues was majorly pissed at me because they weren't easy.

So I went to my boss with this information and basically asked, “so where exactly did I go wrong with my documentations?”

Boss: “Well…no where really. The issues you found didn't meet the building code. So yes you were right. However, you need to keep in mind that some of the issues you find, are going to take our repair guys a long time to fix them. So in the future if you see issues that you know are going to take a long time to repair, just ignore them.”

1.)I don't like lying. The building owners always ask, “are things okay? Any problems?” They want to know. They have the money to fix these issues if they're present. 95% of they will fix the issues.

2.)I can already see how doing such “work practices” down line can come back and bite me in the ass. I can already see the retort “well you're supposed to catch these issues. That's your job.” – Whenever a state investigation happens and I am thrown under the bus by my said company.

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