
Can an employee retaliate against their employer? [VT]

I am currently in the midst of an issue at work where HR is accusing me of retaliating against my boss. I had made complaints privately to HR within the past few weeks. In supervision with my boss (social worker) we had discussed that i create an employee survey to gauge where everyone is at, and where we can make counselors feel more supported. I received encouragement from my boss (the one I had complained about) around this. Fast forward to Saturday, and I sent out the survey. I texted my boss to let her know, and she asked to be added as an administrator and was interested in the results. There was no indication that I had done something wrong. I got a phone call from the director that I needed to take down the survey, which I did. She had asked me if I had spoken to anyone…

I am currently in the midst of an issue at work where HR is accusing me of retaliating against my boss.

I had made complaints privately to HR within the past few weeks. In supervision with my boss (social worker) we had discussed that i create an employee survey to gauge where everyone is at, and where we can make counselors feel more supported. I received encouragement from my boss (the one I had complained about) around this.

Fast forward to Saturday, and I sent out the survey. I texted my boss to let her know, and she asked to be added as an administrator and was interested in the results. There was no indication that I had done something wrong.

I got a phone call from the director that I needed to take down the survey, which I did. She had asked me if I had spoken to anyone about it, and I stated I had spoken to my boss.

I sent a follow up email elaborating on the entire process that went into sending out the survey, including that I had received positive feedback from my boss and encouragement around creating this survey.

HR called me into their office on my day off today, to state that I had done nothing wrong, but that me stating that my boss had given me permission, (which she is denying), it could be perceived as me retaliating against her.

Is it even possible for me to retaliate against her? How can I even do that? I just need clarity before the meeting they're pulling me into tomorrow morning. HR said I could lose my job over this.


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