
UPDATE: Helping my husband get a job at a start up lawncare company is the worst mistake I ever made.

Original Post Here If you're new here, please read the original post for context to understand this post. Thank you. Over the last few days, my friend and her boyfriend have been threatening the boss with reporting her to the IRS should she choose to not properly pay us all on Friday (today). My husband and I , however, have chosen to stay silent to see how things would pan out before taking any additional steps. Last night, my friend recieved an email from the boss stating that her W4 and I9 she'd submitted months ago wasn't properly submitted and she needed to refill out the paperwork and send her a copy of her driver's license and SS. She (the boss) stated that until she recieved those, she would not be able to release her paycheck to her. She also asked for a return of 5 work shirts and a…

Original Post Here

If you're new here, please read the original post for context to understand this post. Thank you.

Over the last few days, my friend and her boyfriend have been threatening the boss with reporting her to the IRS should she choose to not properly pay us all on Friday (today).

My husband and I , however, have chosen to stay silent to see how things would pan out before taking any additional steps.

Last night, my friend recieved an email from the boss stating that her W4 and I9 she'd submitted months ago wasn't properly submitted and she needed to refill out the paperwork and send her a copy of her driver's license and SS. She (the boss) stated that until she recieved those, she would not be able to release her paycheck to her. She also asked for a return of 5 work shirts and a pair of steel toed boots. She said if she failed to return those things, she'd deduct $15 per shirt and $58 for the shoes from her paycheck.

My friend is convinced that she's asking her to fill out new paperwork so it will have a newer date listed, so she won't have any damning evidence that she wasn't properly taking taxes out of paychecks and pocketing the money over the last few months.

I was worried that we'd recieve the same email – however, we did not. She sent my husband his paycheck first thing this morning and only asked for his shirts to be dropped off at some point today, which has since been completed.

She has listed and sold some of the lawncare equipment via Facebook Marketplace. Which is how I'm assuming she managed to muster up the funds to pay my husband today.

However, she's still advertising and running her buisness!

Since my husband was properly paid, we have absolutely no want to pursue anything further. All we wanted was for him to recieve his pay, which he did. Though he is still owed for 2 days of work next Friday.

My friend also discovered last night through the bosses ex husband, that her (the boss) parents were arrested and charged many years ago for embezzling almost 100k. I'll spare the little details as I'd still like to keep the ones involved anonymous – however I will say I was sent news articles about the incident.

So, it seems as though this type of behavior runs in the family. And I feel absolutely awful for my friend who just had to end their 20 year friendship because of it. I couldn't imagine believing I knew someone just to realize I truly had no idea who they were at all.

My friend and her boyfriend are still very much interested in reporting her to the IRS, even should they eventually recieve the pay. My friend has also reached out to a local reporter who'd ran a news story on the buisness in June to inform her of everything that's happened. I know they're working toward taking additional steps toward her in a legal sense, however I'm not 100% sure what all they're planning to do at this time.

As for my husband, he had an interview with a long time local established lawncare company yesterday and he starts work first thing Monday.

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