
I feel like I’m abusing/grooming my son. . .

My son (my first and only) is six years old, and started 1st grade about three weeks ago. Every day he has about 2 hours worth of homework, this includes 15 minutes of reading to/with him. Granted, to an adult, this would take maybe half an hour tops, but he's 6, he's still learning, and like most kids his age, has the focus/attention span of a gnat on meth. So, 30 minutes of homework turns into two hours. He's in first fucking grade, and already his life is wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, go to bed, wake up, go to school. . .basically grooming him to life as a typical US work only to live wage slave. I barely slept last night as this fact was swirling around in my brain. I feel this is child abuse. He's six years old, his life should not be…

My son (my first and only) is six years old, and started 1st grade about three weeks ago. Every day he has about 2 hours worth of homework, this includes 15 minutes of reading to/with him. Granted, to an adult, this would take maybe half an hour tops, but he's 6, he's still learning, and like most kids his age, has the focus/attention span of a gnat on meth. So, 30 minutes of homework turns into two hours.

He's in first fucking grade, and already his life is wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, go to bed, wake up, go to school. . .basically grooming him to life as a typical US work only to live wage slave.

I barely slept last night as this fact was swirling around in my brain. I feel this is child abuse. He's six years old, his life should not be all about work! We, of course, try to make the homework as fun as possible, but after two hours he's tired, grumpy and just doesn't want to try anymore. This makes me frustrated, to my great shame, which of course, only makes it worse.

I hate the fact that I'm raising my son to accept a life that isn't about love and joy and fun, but of servitude and sacrifice. How is this not child abuse? How is it acceptable for a 6 year old to live like this?

This post is just me venting, of course, but conversation, especially counter opinions are greatly welcome.

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