
Forcefully Invited to Lunch by our corporate overlords

In the early 80’s at a corporate office we were told specifically! Not! to buy our own lunches and to attend the free lunch that they were providing. “Everyone is welcome! To come and enjoy! We are so happy to be generous to you!” Kind of announcement. FOLLOWED BY our managers telling us in small groups a “Don’t insult our BigBosses, this tea means a lot to them and they Will! Notice! if you don’t come!”, inferring that we’d be in trouble if we didn’t accept the invitation. We arrived to find ONE 6-foot sub for 25-ish people; I and many others each took two pieces because they were I kid you not, TWO inches wide apiece. Also, there were ZERO other items. No drink, no chips, no salads. Just the single long sub. At the time I was certain that they were going to put out more subs and…

In the early 80’s at a corporate office we were told specifically! Not! to buy our own lunches and to attend the free lunch that they were providing. “Everyone is welcome! To come and enjoy! We are so happy to be generous to you!” Kind of announcement. FOLLOWED BY our managers telling us in small groups a “Don’t insult our BigBosses, this tea means a lot to them and they Will! Notice! if you don’t come!”, inferring that we’d be in trouble if we didn’t accept the invitation.

We arrived to find ONE 6-foot sub for 25-ish people; I and many others each took two pieces because they were I kid you not, TWO inches wide apiece.

Also, there were ZERO other items. No drink, no chips, no salads. Just the single long sub. At the time I was certain that they were going to put out more subs and other food, and I know from later conversations that others thought that too.

We returned to our desks to eat, since there wasn’t room to sit down in the small conference room they’d put the food in. Found our own drinks etc. We were Not allowed to take our own lunch break as usual “Because we’ve provided for you”, so we couldn’t even get more food off-site.

Before we’d even finished the very!! small meal equal to a 4-inch sub, we were being yelled at for Being Greedy and Piggish!! How awful we were! And How Could We!!!

We chalked it up to our corporate overlords being totally clueless, but although some of us felt a bit guilty in the moment, surely no one wanted anyone else’s half-eaten piece of two-inch sub. 🤦

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