
Boss is stealing wages from employes

I work in a small construction company and we are not in labor union. My boss is known for shortchanging employes and often for ridiculous reasons. He has previously stolen big portions of employe salaries who have been working throughout a project period, but was not there on a single specific day, he even threatens to withhold salaries from employes if they want to take the weekend off. I know the construction industry is rough, but this guy strikes me as a maniac. I have been working there for a year and have seen multiple people quit during this one year due to the bosses unequipped ability to properly manage. He constantly yells at everyone calling them useless pieces of shits and even dares to include family members in his insults. Im surprised nobody has given this guy a proper beating yet. Anyways, thats besides the point. My boss has…

I work in a small construction company and we are not in labor union. My boss is known for shortchanging employes and often for ridiculous reasons. He has previously stolen big portions of employe salaries who have been working throughout a project period, but was not there on a single specific day, he even threatens to withhold salaries from employes if they want to take the weekend off.

I know the construction industry is rough, but this guy strikes me as a maniac. I have been working there for a year and have seen multiple people quit during this one year due to the bosses unequipped ability to properly manage. He constantly yells at everyone calling them useless pieces of shits and even dares to include family members in his insults. Im surprised nobody has given this guy a proper beating yet. Anyways, thats besides the point.

My boss has already stolen a substantial ammount from me and it seems he just makes up reasons to do so, because everytime it happens its a new reason. For instance, being too late or, working slow or not doing “a good job”. The most common one being that the customer did not pay due to the work being too low quality and them not being happy with it. Even though the same customers calls into our offices to let us know how happy they are with the work that got done. I am sure he is getting paid and just makes up any reason to not pay employes. This has happend to several of us and at this point I am fed up.

I am not sure what to do in this situation, seeing as this is my only way of income? Any advice is appreciated.

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