
Resignation suggestions

I will hopefully be leaving my current job very soon. Looking for a good way to say I'm leaving other than just “I'm out” My biggest problems are the fact that I was basically lied to about a few different things during my interviews, the GM claimed it was “company policy” to not discuss pay with coworkers, my coworkers are lazy and incredibly rude to other employees, I earn the department the most money and get paid the least, I asked for a raise and was basically told to stay in my lane I could honestly go on 🫥

I will hopefully be leaving my current job very soon. Looking for a good way to say I'm leaving other than just “I'm out”

My biggest problems are the fact that I was basically lied to about a few different things during my interviews, the GM claimed it was “company policy” to not discuss pay with coworkers, my coworkers are lazy and incredibly rude to other employees, I earn the department the most money and get paid the least, I asked for a raise and was basically told to stay in my lane

I could honestly go on 🫥

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