
“You can work every day”

So, earlier this week I got a response from a job I actually kinda wanted. Wasn’t ideal, but the money was good and it’d look good on a resume. Shockingly, I got a phone call letting me know they’d be going a different direction but they’d love to talk to me about any other open positions. I said I’d look it over and give them a call back. This morning I did see one part time position a bit lower on the food chain, but it’d get my foot in the door. It’s a pay cut from my current part time position, but if the hours are more stable it’d be worth it. I called back and asked about the position in question. The person who had interviewed me wasn’t entirely sure about it and said they’d need to inquire. Which is all fine. I mentioned my most important question…

So, earlier this week I got a response from a job I actually kinda wanted. Wasn’t ideal, but the money was good and it’d look good on a resume. Shockingly, I got a phone call letting me know they’d be going a different direction but they’d love to talk to me about any other open positions. I said I’d look it over and give them a call back.

This morning I did see one part time position a bit lower on the food chain, but it’d get my foot in the door. It’s a pay cut from my current part time position, but if the hours are more stable it’d be worth it. I called back and asked about the position in question. The person who had interviewed me wasn’t entirely sure about it and said they’d need to inquire. Which is all fine. I mentioned my most important question was how many hours constitute part time for the position? Clearly 10 hours is part time, as is like, 30 hours. But that’s a pretty wide gap. At which point they said something that almost broke my brain.

“I’m not sure, but I know you could work every day if you’d want”

At this point I was stunned in to silence and thanked them for looking in to it for me and that I look forward to hearing back and got off the phone.

The ONLY positive of a part time job is the amount of days you get off. Let’s just say for example they do tell me it’s 30 hours. You know how I’d want that to go? 3 10s. You wanna do 4 days at 7.5 hours a day? Okay, I can deal with that. 5 6 hour days? Now we’re getting real dicey and you’d have to sway me. But why in fucks name would I want to work 7 days for a part time job? Cut out 4.25 hours a day every day of my life? No days that are all mine to do what I want? How does someone’s brain even think that’s why I was asking about how many hours it was? If I’m insane enough to work 7 days a week it better be fucking full time where I’m racking up OT.

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