
Too tempting to quit…

I'm lucky to be at a job where I have amazing coworkers and a pretty relaxed atmoshpere, but the owners still push me to do things that are totally not in my competence, way outside of my job description, because they want to save money. Which puts a pressure on me that I don't like. Kinda “ah, you also can make websites, amazing… ah, you also can speak Italian, go over these Italian legal documents” etc. The problem here is that money is no longer a motivation for me as I have some investments that are doing fine and could survive without having to do the job. The only reason I keep it is it provides structure to my life, without this structure I tend to become a shut-in and a hermit and avoid socialization. Being forced to socialize is good for me, I guess, keeps me normal. The other…

I'm lucky to be at a job where I have amazing coworkers and a pretty relaxed atmoshpere, but the owners still push me to do things that are totally not in my competence, way outside of my job description, because they want to save money. Which puts a pressure on me that I don't like. Kinda “ah, you also can make websites, amazing… ah, you also can speak Italian, go over these Italian legal documents” etc. The problem here is that money is no longer a motivation for me as I have some investments that are doing fine and could survive without having to do the job. The only reason I keep it is it provides structure to my life, without this structure I tend to become a shut-in and a hermit and avoid socialization. Being forced to socialize is good for me, I guess, keeps me normal. The other reason is I like to have an answer when people ask me what do I do for a living. “I live off of my investments” gets strange looks, at least in this country. There's a kind of worship of work, but I wonder if it isn't all just some massive cope and Stockholm Syndrome. What's more I really feel guilty about leaving because these people are nice to me, even though I know that nobody really cares.

Sorry for the rant… I wish I knew what to do. I have zero motivation to continue but I also think it's good for me, I guess.

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