
Am I crazy for not enjoying a job that on paper I should be lucky to have?

I graduated from college last December, so coming up on a year now and I am currently working my second job since graduating. Without getting too in-depth about the roles, the first one was doing sales for a company that made pillows, and currently, I'm doing sales for a tech start-up (basically an SDR). I've been in this new role for about 2 months now and this role gave me a raise from my last job and gave me the opportunity to work from home, which are both great things! I would also like to add that by no means do I truly hate my job. Initially, I believed that this new job would help me to not feel like my job was worthless, monotonous, and in general I felt like a different job would help me feel less like I'm wasting 70% of my waking hours wasting my time…

I graduated from college last December, so coming up on a year now and I am currently working my second job since graduating. Without getting too in-depth about the roles, the first one was doing sales for a company that made pillows, and currently, I'm doing sales for a tech start-up (basically an SDR). I've been in this new role for about 2 months now and this role gave me a raise from my last job and gave me the opportunity to work from home, which are both great things! I would also like to add that by no means do I truly hate my job.

Initially, I believed that this new job would help me to not feel like my job was worthless, monotonous, and in general I felt like a different job would help me feel less like I'm wasting 70% of my waking hours wasting my time for someone else's gain. Lo and behold though, none of those things feel any different. I'm beginning to fear that I may never be satisfied in the corporate world, and will bounce between jobs I don't like for the rest of my life, never able to make enough money to save up for any kind of future.

My whole life has essentially led up to me getting a job just like the one I have right now, and now that I'm here all I can think is that I would be more fulfilled and happier doing something else. There is also the issue of my having no idea what that something else may be or how to go about finding it and breaking into that field/line of work. This is all I've known really, even going back to high school the main job I had was as a sales rep for a knife company some people may have heard of.

I don't know what to do basically. I am well aware that even if I figure out what I may want to do or what kind of work would make me happy it will still require work. I am not afraid of work nor hesitant to work, I actually would quite like to have a job to do for the foreseeable future! I don't want to just be a cog in a huge corporate machine however, and I don't fancy spending my whole life helping people above me make more and more money while I stew in the fact that I don't feel I have a purpose in life.

tldr: I'm pretty sure I have stumbled into a job/career that is exactly what I should be looking for, but I think I kind of hate it, am I going insane?

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