
And here we f—ing go…

TLDR Rant; Place I work, like pretty much everywhere else I've worked, can't leave well enough alone and has to threaten us with “your yearly performance eval will now include…” bullshit that I didn't sign on for. So yeah, it happened as to be expected I guess. Company I work for in the IT department has decided we are more than just IT now. We get to be housekeeping, consult on safety, consult on cost cutting, do IT networking (which was/is a different team altogether but now we get to do some of their work), and even customer service shit! Which was the complete opposite of what I was hired for. Don't be silly we didn't get any sort of raises for this. Hell we all (nine of us total) just had our yearly evals and we all magically got only 3% increase. Even though it was supposed to be…

TLDR Rant; Place I work, like pretty much everywhere else I've worked, can't leave well enough alone and has to threaten us with “your yearly performance eval will now include…” bullshit that I didn't sign on for.

So yeah, it happened as to be expected I guess. Company I work for in the IT department has decided we are more than just IT now. We get to be housekeeping, consult on safety, consult on cost cutting, do IT networking (which was/is a different team altogether but now we get to do some of their work), and even customer service shit! Which was the complete opposite of what I was hired for.

Don't be silly we didn't get any sort of raises for this. Hell we all (nine of us total) just had our yearly evals and we all magically got only 3% increase. Even though it was supposed to be a 3%, 5%, or 7% based on merit…

This is just another example in my illustrious career of this shit happening (happend at the warehouse I worked in, happened at the grocery store I worked in, happened at Walgreens, happened at Best Buy, and now here) where I am hired to do a job…within reason….and just keep getting shit piled on top of me “because”.

No consideration, no discussion, nothing….just a “hey this is what you do now, enjoy! (And F— you!)” and if I don't like it, tough.

I could go on and on but I don't want to bore you and my arse hurts from typing on the toilet.

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