
Anecdote from one of my jobs in high school

Just remembered this story and I felt it was so outrageous I had to share. When I (F) was sixteen, I worked at a clothing store for kids. I was scheduled to work one night, and we had an awful blizzard coming through. School the next day was even delayed. I was going to go, but my mother forbid me from going. She owned the car, and she said it was not safe for me to be driving 25 minutes to work for $8 an hour, so, the answer was no. I called my manager and let them know, and they said “well, why cant you just come anyway?” as if I, as a 16 year old girl, really had any say in the matter. I once again said no, so they forced another fellow 16 year old coworker of mine to drive 25 minutes from the store to my…

Just remembered this story and I felt it was so outrageous I had to share.
When I (F) was sixteen, I worked at a clothing store for kids. I was scheduled to work one night, and we had an awful blizzard coming through. School the next day was even delayed. I was going to go, but my mother forbid me from going. She owned the car, and she said it was not safe for me to be driving 25 minutes to work for $8 an hour, so, the answer was no. I called my manager and let them know, and they said “well, why cant you just come anyway?” as if I, as a 16 year old girl, really had any say in the matter. I once again said no, so they forced another fellow 16 year old coworker of mine to drive 25 minutes from the store to my house, and then 25 minutes back to the store, so we could fulfill our shifts. We spun out on the way back to the store. We were terrified. I didn’t realize how bullshit this was at the time, but man it was crazy.

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